The Mantra for Success

Geeta – the way of life. We all know that the Bhagvad Geeta is full of knowledge and practical ways to improve our lives.

When we see someone successful or accomplished, our first reaction is ‘Oh, that person is lucky’. Does luck really play a role? And, is that the only factor that brings success?

Let’s understand what Lord Krishna tells us in Shlok 14 of Chapter 18.

अधिष्ठानं तथा कर्ता करणं च पृथग्विधम् |

विविधाश्च पृथक्चेष्टा दैवं चैवात्र पञ्चमम् ॥14॥

adhiṣhṭhānaṁ tathā kartā karaṇaṁ cha pṛithag-vidham

vividhāśh cha pṛithak cheṣhṭā daivaṁ chaivātra pañchamam ||14||

Lord Krishna clearly states that there are five important factors that play a role in our success, and the luck is just one of those and interestingly the last one. The five factors are adhiṣṭhāna, kartā, karaṇa, ceṣṭā and daiva. Many Sanskrit words have multiple meanings and I have tried to pick the relevant meaning based on the context of this article. We will explore these five factors in details and understand how those help us become successful.

1. adhiṣṭhāna: General meaning of adhiṣṭhāna is the place, however, in this context the other meaning which is more relevant is, “unwavering resolution”. Before we can become successful at anything, we need make a resolve about what we want to accomplish or set a goal. This resolution is not merely the wishful thinking. This is something that we are very serious about accomplishing. This is the thought that consumes us all the time. Goal of one person can (and in most cases will) be different from someone else. Our goal is personal to us we should not get intimidated by someone else or someone else’s goals. If others criticize us, laugh at us or make fun of us, be happy that our goal is worth achieving. All great achievers did get criticized and laughed at.

2. kartā: kartā is the “doer”. Once we have a clearly defined goal, we need to be willing to work towards it. When the goal is really important to us, we will do anything and everything to accomplish it. Many people start enthusiastically, but as the going gets though, they give-up on their goals. They think, it’s too hard. Even worst, they come up with cute excuses justifying why they are not right fit for the goal. They think I am too young, too old, too weak, too strong, too educated, too uneducated and so on. A determined and passionate doer is required to accomplish any worthy goal. The doer also implies assembling a team or doers who will work with us to help us accomplish our goal. We may require multiple skills to reach the goal. It is important to assemble right team and get them motivated to work towards our goal. All the team members also act as kartā.

3. karaṇa: karaṇa means “instruments or tools” required. Lord Krishna also says tools of various kinds. Single tool may not be sufficient for us to accomplish certain goal. If that case, we need to select a set or combination of right tools. Many times, we will find that the tool we started with, is not the right tool at all. In that case, we should be willing to explore more or alternate tools. When we talk about tool, just the tool itself is not good enough. We also need to acquire right knowledge to operate or use that tool to get the desired results.

4. ceṣṭā: ceṣṭā means “effort or action”. Nothing will happen until we take the action. What’s the use of having right tools and the knowledge of using those tools, if we don’t take action or put in efforts to operate those tools! Here again Lord Krishna states various kinds of actions. Essentially it means, leave no stone unturned. Explore every option and every possibility that exists. When required, change the course of action.

5. daiva: The last factor that contributes towards your success is daiva or fate or luck. However, the more apt meaning that is more relevant here is “knowledge or intellect”. We need to be intelligent about our goal, current situations, our team, available tools and so on, to move forward in right direction. The knowledge also comes with another important aspect and that is a Guru or a mentor. Someone who has the knowledge about the subject and has interest in giving you that knowledge and guide us to success. Finding such a person is one challenge but trusting that person and following his/her mentorship is another challenge. Many times, our BIG ego stops us from submitting to someone and faithfully follow them.

So, the formula for success, as per Lord Krishna is: make a decision, be willing to work, acquired right tools and knowledge, take action to work intelligently towards your goal and have a mentor, then the luck will shower on you and will help you become successful”.

Hari Aum.

Parag Bhalerao.